Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Photographs and Ipecac

Photographs and ipecac, Christmas cards you sent to me. Ah ipecac, that magic elixir of love. Nothing spells romance like a gourmet meal, a nice bottle of vintage red, and a serving of... yep, you guessed it, ipecac! There is a new trend in Japanese youth culture were young couples are going out and binging at fancy restaurants and then downing ipecac to induce vomiting. The is even and emerging subculture of high end restaurants that are springing up all over Tokyo and other large cities in Japan that offer servings of the elixir to couples after meals. The couples are then welcome to vomit in private vomitoriums located in the rear of the restaurants. Don't assume the vomitoriums are anything like restrooms, no these are plush rooms with showers, day beds and mirrors everywhere. Couples that are too weak after their experiences can request to be driven home or to their hotels. Could this trend make it's way into Europe and even here to America. Already couples from Europe and the US are traveling to Japan to have a chance to experience this strange new phenomena themselves. There is little doubt that some advantageous business person will bring this back to their home country.

Sorry folks, due to recent complaints that my photos of young Japanese kids in love are too disgusting I was forced to remove the photos. Some bitter old people can't stand to see happy young people in love.

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