Saturday, April 19, 2008

BREAKING NEWS! Dick shot his friend!

Dick, Dick, Dick Cheney. He sucks. Plus he shot his friend. How good of a vice president can he be if he shot his own friend? Not very good I think. I saw a bumper sticker today that said "War In Iraq keeps American families safe." WTF? Since when does war ever make anybody safe. Violence begets violence. The person also had a cross hanging from their rear view mirror. Soooo... I wrote the person a note reminding them that Jesus said to love our neighbors and our enemies (I added "not bomb the hell out of them."). I know that the person probably just got pissed off and waded the note up and threw it away, but writing that note gave me a sense of satisfaction.


Mama K said...

Yeah, and once in a while Jesus' Father told his people to go kill some bad guys. I'm sure he knew what He was doing, so there must be some balancing truths there somewhere. I have not figured it out though. I just keep house.

ADAM said...

Since when do we judge who is the good guys and who is the bad guys? I think the World would be a better place if we could just LOVE our neighbors and accept them for who they are. They are made in the image of God our Father.

Rich said...

Well, the difference between when God commanded the Israelis to go to war and after Jesus rose from the grave is that Jesus fulfilled the covenant between God and His people. We live under a new covenant. Jesus said that just as important as loving the Lord our God is to love our neighbors and that it is on these two commandments that the other commandments rest. Who are the bad guys in the world. I'm sure that to an Iraqi child whose home was bombed by one of our "smart" bombs that WE are the terrorists. I still to this day feel a terrible loss in what happened on 9-11-01, but is more killing going to bring those people back? Is killing going to make us safe? Or is it just going to create more fatherless children that see the US as the ones that stole there fathers from them. I don't claim to have all of the answers, but really, is our government any more just in it's killing of innocents (called collateral damage)?

Rae Snyder said...

One time a girl wrote me a 3 page paper on why she was offended by my "I belong to Jesus" sticker that my sister got me and I put on my car. She left it under my windshield wiper. It was typed, indented and everything. I wasn't even angry. Or offended. I was impressed.