Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Trouble on the Border

In the last several years the discussion on Mexicans illegally entering the United States has definitely amplified. Many living on the US/Mexico border feel that the rest of the country does not understand the true issues at hand. Many complain of the crime that immigrants bring with them. Others believe that they are a strain on our already unsteady economy. Another big concern by many is the fear that immigrants take jobs away from US citizens.

One of the most outspoken on the matter is Benji Hamilton; of West Auburn, Texas. He states that many of his friends and neighbors have lost their jobs or not even been considered for positions due to the flood of immigrants into the country from Mexico. Benji states, "I am fortunate to have a very comfortable position at the Hamilton home. Many of my friends are not as lucky. Some have even been forced to live on the street and live out of dumpsters."
Above: Benji Hamilton, Below: Some of Benji's friends

Benji reports that in his town alone, there are upwards of 20 arrests per week involving illegal immigrants. He reports that his town has gone from a "nice, quiet place" to a ghetto in only a few years. One of the major concerns with the illegals is gang and drug related violence.

An illegal immigrant dressed in gang "colors"
While many Americans on the Left and the Right feel that they have the answers, one thing is sure, this problem is not going to go away anytime soon. The chihuahua has been recorded as entering the US as early as 1904. Many chihuahuas on both sides of the boarder claim that the lands of the southern US have been stolen away from them, and that the [US] government has no right to tell them that they can't be here. President Obama was asked to comment, however, the aid that we reached laughed and hung up.
Illegal immigrants fighting in the streets
Mexican street gang in La Huaraville, New Mexico

1 comment:

Amy said...

Rich! This is funny!